Keep Frozen Projects

Website with documentation on Keep Frozen Projects initiated by the artist


Die Virtuosität des Handgriffe

by Julia Gwendolyn Schneider

Flash Art Review

by Andreas Schlaegel

E-Flux Criticism

by Kimberly Bradley

Iceland´s Art Scene

Monocle Radio program hosted by Robert Bound

Artist-Curator Conversation

at Reykjavik Art Museum with Birta Guðjónsdóttir

Þykk sýning á viðeigandi stað

by Ólöf Gerður Sigfúsdóttir on Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Culture

Vinnan er kjarninn í fagurfræði hafnanna

by Bergsteinn Sigurdsson on Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Culture

E-Flux Announcement

Mobilising the Arctic. Polar Bears and Puffins in Transnational Interplay (pdf download)

by Katla Kjartansdottir and Kristinn Schram published in peer-reviewed book

‘Mobility and Transnational Iceland: Current Transformations and Global Entanglements’

Swimming Pool - Troubled Waters catalogue

Ocean Dwellers in Tagesspiegel

Article by Nina Breher

''Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir wins the 2019 Gudmunda S. Kristinsdottir Award'

Article by Rúrí Sigurðardóttir

'All Is Full of Love: A Preview of the Solo Exhibition of Hulda Rós Gudnadóttir at Künstlerhaus Bethanien.'

Article by Craniv Boyd

Tíðir, reki, grip, frjósemi og skjól eru hugtök sem snerta vinningstillögu að nýju útilistaverki á hafnarsvæðinu

Article and interview about the winning a competition of Associated Icelandic Ports for art in public space.

Artzine, Iceland (Icelandic)

Gentrifizierung auf Isländisch

VDRJ Goldene Columbus award for best radio show in Germany 2016 in its category

Journalist Wiebke Keuneke, broadcasted on Deutschlandfunk Kulturradio 'Feature am Freitag' program (dubbed into German)

'Þetta gæti gerst út í geimi'

Alvarpið (Popp og fólk 2: Keep Frozen og Imma) , spjall Ingibjargar Magnadóttur og Melkorku Huldudóttur

Keep Frozen eftir Huldu Rós Guðnadóttur í Bíó Paradís

Artzine, Iceland (english below)


In french about Keep Frozen documentary

'Keep Frozen': Tote That Barge! Lift That Bale!

Film review by Mark Asch at Reykjavik Grapevine

Löndunargengið í aðalhlutverki

Viðtal Dags Gunnarssonar við Huldu Rós Guðnadóttur um Keep Frozen í Viðsjá

'Keep Frozen' vinnur á Skjaldborg

Fréttatilkynnng á Klapptré

Keep Frozen at Visions du Réel

Text by Madeline Robert

Keep Frozen heimsfrumsýnd í Sviss

Fréttatilkynnning í DV

Listaverk í almenningsými á Cycle listahátið
Kópvavogsblaðið fréttatilkynning

Víðsjá í júní 2014

Viðtal við Val Antonsson heimspeking um Keep Frozen part two í Þoku gallery

Icelandic Artist Explores Uncertain Future of Red Hook Waterfront
by Nikhita Venugopal in DNA Info New York

by curator Tanja Thorjussen in KUNSTforum blog

D19 Hops Hopsi by Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir/2011
on Reykjavik Art Museum vimeo site